I invite you to journey deeper into yourself & life through meditation...

Ann Harrison, M.A., Dip.Ed.
If we do not know how to enjoy the journey then when we reach the destination we will realise that so many opportunities for happiness have been lost. Meditation is about both the journey and the destination.
For nearly 40 years now I have been meditating. Initially I did not realise that this is what I was doing - when I stopped to watch a sunset, or waves roll in on the beach, or marvel at the light display of an electrical storm. Nor did I realise that the single pointed focus on work was a another form of meditation, just as was the contemplation of a difficult life situation, or wondering about the mystery of life itself.
In my middle years, my journey took me to China to continue studying martial arts and I realised that this was in fact meditation on movement. Then, I seemed to be guided to a remote area of Hong Kong, in the countryside, by the sea. It was there that I set up my first meditation centre. It was a retreat for me, as well as a centre where clients could come to learn about themselves and be still.
From a foundation of awareness of the breath I teach mindfulness and meditation, how to manage stress and work and teach the psychotherapy of breath.
I am delighted to once again to be able to invite those who seek peace of mind and greater understanding of themselves to the Millthorpe Meditation Centre.
Member 1093 of the ATMA (the Australian Teachers of Meditation Association).
Type of meditation: personal development, therapeutic, spiritual.
For nearly 40 years now I have been meditating. Initially I did not realise that this is what I was doing - when I stopped to watch a sunset, or waves roll in on the beach, or marvel at the light display of an electrical storm. Nor did I realise that the single pointed focus on work was a another form of meditation, just as was the contemplation of a difficult life situation, or wondering about the mystery of life itself.
In my middle years, my journey took me to China to continue studying martial arts and I realised that this was in fact meditation on movement. Then, I seemed to be guided to a remote area of Hong Kong, in the countryside, by the sea. It was there that I set up my first meditation centre. It was a retreat for me, as well as a centre where clients could come to learn about themselves and be still.
From a foundation of awareness of the breath I teach mindfulness and meditation, how to manage stress and work and teach the psychotherapy of breath.
I am delighted to once again to be able to invite those who seek peace of mind and greater understanding of themselves to the Millthorpe Meditation Centre.
Member 1093 of the ATMA (the Australian Teachers of Meditation Association).
Type of meditation: personal development, therapeutic, spiritual.

When you are compassionate with yourself, you trust in your Soul, which you let guide your life.
Your Soul knows the geography of your destiny better than you do. " John O'Donohue
For further information M. 0403 823 636 E. [email protected]
Breathwork as psychotherapy www.annharrison.com.au
Breathwork Trainings www.breathworktrainings.com
Breathwork as psychotherapy www.annharrison.com.au
Breathwork Trainings www.breathworktrainings.com