Like all myths and stories that are told and retold, the details always vary somewhat, but the sight and the story of 'heart's ease' always fills me with a quiet joy and contentment.
I'd like to share it with you today because a little clump self-seeded outside my back door and each time I go in and out I am welcomed and reminded of its message:
It is said, that a long long time ago in Europe, there was a wise and benevolent king. He governed justly and was loved by his subjects. But one day, he was called upon by other kings to go on a great crusade to a far off land; and so, with great sadness, he and his entourage readied themselves and set off. He thought he would only be away for a short time but weeks turned into months and months turned into years. Finally the day came when his purpose had been achieved and his home sickness could at last be relieved as he turned towards home.
During the long journey back, he had much time to think of his kingdom, his loyal subjects, his family, his beautiful wife and his very special walled garden. That was a place of peace, where he used to go to enjoy and be soothed by the beauty of nature. There were all sorts of trees, plants and flower - a vast array showing the wonderful creativity of nature.
When his subject heard of his return they travelled out to meet him. Joy, love and laughter along the final part of his route home, and the tightness around his heart began to lessen.
There were many people to be greeted and acknowledge, there was the warmth of his family as they celebrated his return with a banquet. Finally, he could slip away to his beloved walled garden. As the garden gate creaked open, he could scarcely believe his eyes. It was a wasteland. It looked as if everything was dead or dying.
He went over the the pine tree and asked, "what's wrong"?... and the pine tree answered, "I wish I was willowy like the willow tree"; he then turned to the willow tree, seeing it was struggling, ask the same question. "I want to be big and strong like an oak tree, and I'm not".
The king was dismayed as he went from tree to tree, plant to plant and saw them all suffering. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of colour, a tiny flow was growing again a rock. She was bright and cheery - in such contrast to all the plants around. The king asked, "how is it that you are so bright and healthy?" "Well, said Heart's Ease, if the good Lord had meant me to be a pine tree, a willow tree, an oak tree or anything else, he would have made me like that. I am made to be me, just as I am. I am happy with that".
I'd like to share it with you today because a little clump self-seeded outside my back door and each time I go in and out I am welcomed and reminded of its message:
It is said, that a long long time ago in Europe, there was a wise and benevolent king. He governed justly and was loved by his subjects. But one day, he was called upon by other kings to go on a great crusade to a far off land; and so, with great sadness, he and his entourage readied themselves and set off. He thought he would only be away for a short time but weeks turned into months and months turned into years. Finally the day came when his purpose had been achieved and his home sickness could at last be relieved as he turned towards home.
During the long journey back, he had much time to think of his kingdom, his loyal subjects, his family, his beautiful wife and his very special walled garden. That was a place of peace, where he used to go to enjoy and be soothed by the beauty of nature. There were all sorts of trees, plants and flower - a vast array showing the wonderful creativity of nature.
When his subject heard of his return they travelled out to meet him. Joy, love and laughter along the final part of his route home, and the tightness around his heart began to lessen.
There were many people to be greeted and acknowledge, there was the warmth of his family as they celebrated his return with a banquet. Finally, he could slip away to his beloved walled garden. As the garden gate creaked open, he could scarcely believe his eyes. It was a wasteland. It looked as if everything was dead or dying.
He went over the the pine tree and asked, "what's wrong"?... and the pine tree answered, "I wish I was willowy like the willow tree"; he then turned to the willow tree, seeing it was struggling, ask the same question. "I want to be big and strong like an oak tree, and I'm not".
The king was dismayed as he went from tree to tree, plant to plant and saw them all suffering. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of colour, a tiny flow was growing again a rock. She was bright and cheery - in such contrast to all the plants around. The king asked, "how is it that you are so bright and healthy?" "Well, said Heart's Ease, if the good Lord had meant me to be a pine tree, a willow tree, an oak tree or anything else, he would have made me like that. I am made to be me, just as I am. I am happy with that".